Thursday, August 26, 2010

Platform 9 3/4

Yes, I'm back, tried to leave SL, but didn't work so I'm back. I'm telling you, SL is a drug. Also decided that I would return to my basics which are Harry Potter RPs. I actually applied to Hogwarts United because they have the best dress code (you can wear casual clothes in the dorm and common room, when you are on your way to Hogsmead and anywhere in the school between 7pm and 7 am). The only thing is the process.

First, you fill a character sheet, no problem with that. Than, you have to set an interview time with the person who reviews your CS (character sheet) so that you can discuss the character and correct things if needed. I'm fine with that if it can be done in IM and doesn't take a decade. Then, you have to assist to an Orientation class. "An Orientation class goes over the rules that applies to Hogwarts United, and some discussion of roleplaying techniques. Every applicant must go to Orientation, before then can be invited to join Hogwarts" (copy pasted from the offline IM I got from the head of the New Admissions Department). So, even if you have been roleplaying for more than two years in a total of 9 different sims, including 4 that were HP RPs (including HU), you have to attend the "How to Roleplay 101" class. Oh, and did I mention that the rules are written on a notecard that everyone can read. They could include a set of questions in the character sheets regarding rules and ways of roleplaying to see who knows how to roleplay and who's a complete noob. If you ask me, they might be losing loads of good roleplayers who think the process is too long before actually getting to RP there. I really just went for HU because of the dress code, otherwise, I would have gone straight to Hogwarts Prevail (stricter dress code according to what I read).

Anyway, enough of my ranting an on to my LOTD


Skin: LAQ - Emma
Hair: Truth - Marcelle
Shirt: Inara's Fantasy Couture
Vest: Sh*t Happens - Black Plain Vest
Skirt: Wrong - A-Line Skirt
Leggings: Zaara - Nishar
Shoes: *G Field* - short lace-up boots
Lips: LeLutka - Lola

Pose: *V* - Kendall6
Place: Sunset Harbor

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