Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bibidi Bobidi Boo!

You probably recognized the Fairy Godmother's magic words in the title. How many of us wished they had a Fairy Godmother to make their dreams come true? I surely do. Just today, I was wishing I had one so that she would remove my shyness. Not that I hate being shy, it's just that it can be unhealthy sometimes. It's not normal to stress for hours wondering if you should say a simple "hi" to someone you haven't talked to since December with a conversation that was as followed: "Happy birthday!" "Thank you" "You're welcome". I'm not saying if that person had never been a close friend or someone I was talking to often. I do have people on my friend list that I never was really close of and I don't care. But I always feel a bit sad when someone I was talking with about school stuff and other random things slowly becomes a distant friend. I suppose that's what happens when you stop RPing at the same places (or simply stop RPing in my case). Well, we did speak today or rather he asked me if I knew any good freebie blogs. Hey, was just glad I didn't have to say "hi" followed by "how have you been lately? long time we haven't spoken"... I'm always afraid to bug him. He probably doesn't even care...

Anyway, off to my cute LOTD. The dress I'm wearing is what inspired me to do this whole "Let's modernize Disney princesses looks" idea. When I saw it, my first thought was "Wow... the color of that dress reminds me a lot of Cinderella's dress... maybe that's the dress she would wear at a cocktail party if she lived now..." (I know she's a fictional character!)


Skin: Pink Fuel - Skye
Hair: lamb - Cherry
Necklace: Caroline's - Cameo Choker
Dress: Cupcakes - Ruffly Corset Dress
Shoes: Vanity Designs - Cinderella Slipper Shoes (hunt item)
Pose: LAP - Fresh New
Location: Angel Manor

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