Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mad Christmas

Ever watched the show "Mad Men"? I did and it's one of the best shows I've ever seen. Now, at ::Tasty::, where I work, they transformed half of the second floor into Sterling Cooper, the advertising agency in the show, where Betty Draper, Joan Holloway, Peggy Olson (my fav character), Pete Campbell and Don Draper are waiting.

So, for today's LOTD, I decided to wear the Jane dress, named after the character of the same name in Mad Men. And since Don Draper seems to have a thing for brunettes (all his mistresses were brunettes so far), decided to take a picture with Mr Draper. Sorry Betty... :P

LOTD 065

Skin: Curio - Elf
Hair: Maitreya - Piper II
Dress: ::Tasty:: - Jane dress
Shoes: Nardcotix - Kurvy Ruby Slippers (SoM gift)
Pose: *ELISA* - glamour3
Place: Starry Isles 174/179/40

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