Monday, November 16, 2009

To Tell You the Truth, I'm Moody Today

No, not really moody... even if I was switching from happy (yay! finished earlier today!) to annoyed/bugged (more about that in the rest of the post).

So, first bugging moment of the day was when I found out Stiletto Moody was giving out a freebie. Don't start running yet, there's a catch. It's only for group members and the group is closed. What the...?! All we were getting from that group was notice about new releases and then BAM! they get a free pair of shoes. I left it a while ago (after the end of season sale). 25 groups = I won't waste it on a no giftie group. But noooo, now they have a gift. At least for the sale, Mrs Moody had placed a huge poster in front of her store before, saying that would be a group only thing. Would have been nice to say : "Hey, in X days I'm gonna give you guys a special gift, so join the group before I close it." Meh, I still prefer my Maitreya Gold shoes. Stiletto Moody bare were great when they were the only prim feet in SL. But now, you find more prim feet, most of them just as good looking (SLink, Anexx, Aoharu) or even better looking (Maitreya Gold) than the Moody ones. Also, they don't cost as much. Oh, and I do have a pair of Moody to compare them with the others. The Greta Bare... Were more expensive than the Bax boots which has the auto-fitting script that is a gift sent from heaven (no, I'm still not over it :P)

Now on to the second bugging part of my day. Truth increased his prices. From 225 to 250. Oh sure, I hear you, it's "just" 25L$ more. But buy 4 Truth hair and the difference will be of a 100L$. Those L$ could be spent buying cute tops from !Ohmai (I've been eyeing them for a while now). Sure, he added one more hair color in each pack. I did the math, per hair color, it lowered the cost. BUT, I just use one hair color. So, instead of paying 225 for the hair color I'm gonna use plus 3 other colors, I'm gonna pay 25L$ extra for another hair color, that I won't even use. Call me cheap, I don't care. It's just that we're in recession time, not prosperity time. As far as I know, there hasn't been any inflation. Yes, I know, Lamb and 69 both sell their color packs at around 300L$ each. But they haven't increase their prices, it always costed that as far as I know.

What the best solution would be? Offering colors individually. It would be more affordable (unless you decide to sell the hair color 400L$), noobs and tight-budget avs could buy the original stuff. Color packs could still be sold, but an option for avs with a low budget would be great. Or for the avs who got their SL salary cut and now have to rethink how they shop. You may not notice how much you pay for a certain creation, but some do and they have to be careful about their budget. Just think about it. But eh, I'll still shop at Truth, still haven't bought that Trina hairstyle I wanted (which will now cost me 250L$... damn it).

Mmmm, felt good to vent a little. It inspires me for blog posts... go figure why. Nooo, I'm not an angry girl. Just need to vent every once and a while about a random topic.

LOTD 038

Skin: [Atomic] - Baily
Hair: !lamb - Cherry
Top: [Random] - Dottie
Jacket: - Military Jacket
Jeans: - Designer Jeans
Boots: BAX - Prestige Boots
Pose: (pda) - Long Was the Year
Place: Black Spot 146/160/23


Jordan Whitt said...

I'm hugely bummed about the Truth price increase too! I only wear one colour out of the packs, so individual colours would be a blessing, but a lot of work, so I don't expect we will see those coming from Truth any time soon.

And bummed about the shoes as well. I left the group a while back for the same reasons. Warning would be lovely, but again, I don't see that coming anytime soon either.

Mo Miasma said...

Oh amazing ventin that was, i wish more are venting this way but writting only how all splendido is
total support on venting blogging!

Shimere Felisimo said...

The reason hair designers often put together hair packs, or use single shot recolor huds, is that a vendor costs a prim. So if you're offering 40 haircolors, that's 40 prims of vendor buttons for each new hairstyle. Unless you have your own sim, 20 hairstyles could easily take up all your prims.

That being said, adding a new hairstyle, then raising the price is a weird marketing move...unless he decided that he wanted to raise the prices all along, and would throw in a new color to take off the sting.