Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm falling for photo sets...

So, today, since I was way to lazy and busy to search for a place to take my LOTD pic I used for the first time a photo set I got when I clicked on the the SoM at La Petite Morte. I actually loved it. Gives you a ready-to-use decor that doesn't take too much place. I think I may buy some more sets... who knows.

Anyway, today started the Designers United event at the Cupcake sim and I'm gonna buy so many things... I actually started, but I keep crashing. Bought two things so far. They'll probably appear in one of my LOTD pics... maybe for Halloween. Anyway, if you love black, I suggest you go and take a look as the theme this time is "Crow". Of course, not everything is black, there's actually a cute t-shirt that is pink with sky blue sleeves. Oh, and if you are an Hogwarts student, I suggest you go buy something there to add something special to that bloody uniform. That's the thing when there are only 2 good uniform stores... you'll always end up bumping into someone wearing the same thing as you. A girl's nightmare XD

Here is the LOTD of the day, with my favorite hat hairstyle:

LOTD 018

Skin: [ATOMIC] - Hope
Hair: lamb
Top: (Milk Motion)
Leggings: LeLutka
Shoes: Maitreya - ChiChi pumps
Pose: []on the cover[] - Alesha GF (group gift)

PS: Sorry I don't have the complete information regarding what I'm wearing, SL is being too much of a pain for me to go and check.

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