Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dear SLanta

[the idea is from CeNedra's blog. Thank you for the great idea]

Dear SLanta,

What is better then the holiday season when you decorate the tree while watching the snow fall,  listening to Christmas music and drinking hot chocolate? Nothing, especially since it's also the time when we write to you with our different demands.

I want... to fool around with my friends in 2009 just like in 2008. It's always fun to run around.

I want to have more shoes. Tons of shoes. I'll never have enough shoes in my big inventory. SHOES!

I want low-prim furnitures. I love decorating and now that I have my lil bed in the raven dorm, I have to deal with the 10 prims limit (worth it for 50L$ a week).

I want to be able to create clothes other then t-shirts on Photoshop. But doubt that request will come true. 

I want to be less shy, especially when I'm RPing. 

I want more dresses that fits me! I LOVE dresses! Too bad we can't wear anything we want at Hogwarts outside the dorms and commons... Bringing me to my other request.

I want to be able to wear anything (decent of course) in the corridors when I'm not attending a class. At least during weekends. Did anyone saw the 3rd movie? They were wearing normal stuff during the weekend! 'course, no classes during weekends for them, but so what? I wanna show off what I have! I wanna buy something that isn't black just because I'm always thinking about putting it above my uniform shirt.

I want a free Quidditch uniform. I don't see why someone should pay 200L$ for something that will be worn once or twice a month. It's ridiculous. I'm not gonna go shopping in a Quid uniform, not with all my clothes that are begin me to wear them when I'm out of the RP sim.

I want more tops, different colors, loads of colors. Just to wear with my jeans when I'm out in the open.

I want hair. I pretty much got all the hairstyles I wanted at ETD (sales+me=spending frenzy) but so many other hair stores. I want more hair, more styles.

I want all the Tuli Elizabeth makeups in fair. I totally adopted that skin. Fits my shape so well. 

I want more poses to take more pictures. I'm a total pose junkie and I admit it.

I want more pictures with me and my friends. I don't have enough pictures of that kind. 

I want to be healthy when I'll go to Disney World in January (damn cold...).

I think that's about it...

Oh wait! I also want the Alice outfit from Katat0nik and if someone would make or already made a yellow dress like the one Belle wears in "Beauty and the Beast", I would adore that.

Ok, list is over for now. No list will ever be complete if you ask me. I mean, who really knows all the things that they want? There'll always be something new that will come up and that we want.

Anyway, if you can't give me all of that at least make sure I keep two things: my randomness and my actual SL friends who crack me up and listen to me when I need to talk. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and to every resident of SL.

1 comment:

C said...

Great post!

Merry Christmas to you as well, I hope you get much of what you asked for if not all. LOL you never know.